John S. Earle's Personal Webpage


Recent papers (in most cases with links to working papers):

“Promoting public health with blunt instruments: Evidence from vaccine mandates” (with R. Abouk, C. Maclean, S. Park), Working paper, 2024:

“Are Immigrants More Innovative? Evidence from Entrepreneurs” (with J.D. Brown, M.J. Kim, K.M. Lee, Z. Liu). Forthcoming in Journal of Economics and Management Strategy. Working paper (revised 2024):

“Who Innovates During a Crisis? Evidence from Small Businesses in the COVID-19 Pandemic” (with K. Lee, L. Dani, and R. Bowman). Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 33, 893–950, 2023.

“Damaged Collateral and Firm-Level Finance: Evidence from Russia’s War in Ukraine” (with S. Shpak, S. Gehlbach, and M. Panga). Journal of Comparative Economics, 2023.

“Death Without Benefits: Unemployment Insurance, Re-Employment, and the Spread of Covid” (with S. Park and K.M. Lee). Working paper, 2022 (revised 2024):

“Black-Owned Firms, Financial Constraints, and the Firm Size Gap” (with J.D. Brown, M.J. Kim, K.M. Lee, and J. Wold), American Economic Association Papers & Proceedings, Vol. 112, 282-286, May 2022.

“The Oligarch Vanishes: Defensive Ownership, Property Rights, and Political Connections” (with S. Gehlbach, A. Shirikov, and S. Shpak). Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Vol. 17(4)., 2022. Working paper. Recipient of the “Best Article in 2020-2021” award from the American Association for Ukrainian Studies.

African-American Entrepreneurs: Contributions and Challenges” (with J.D. Brown, E. Childress, L. Dani, M.J. Kim, and K.M. Lee). SBA Office of Advocacy, 2022.

“Productivity Dispersion, Misallocation, and Reallocation Frictions: Theory and Evidence from Policy Reforms,” (with J.D. Brown and E. Dinlersoz), Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 64(1), 1-47, March 2022. Lead article. Winner of the Bergson Prize for the “Best Paper in Comparative Economic Studies during 2021-22.” Working paper.

“Does the Community Reinvestment Act Raise Lending to Small Businesses in Lower-Income Neighborhoods?” (with M.J. Kim and K.M. Lee), Economics Letters, Vol. 209, 110-46, 2021. IZA Discussion Paper No. 14681, 2021.

Press:  Brookings Institution Hutchins Roundup

Black Entrepreneurs, Job Creation, and Financial Constraints” (with M.J. Kim, K.M. Lee, and J.D. Brown). IZA Working Paper, 2021.

Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Innovation in the U.S. High-Tech Sector” (with D. Brown, M.J. Kim, and K.M. Lee), NBER Working Paper No. 25565, 2019. Published in The Roles of Immigrants and Foreign Students in U.S. Science, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (Ina Ganguli, Shulamit Kahn, Megan MacGarvie, editors), NBER and University of Chicago Press, 2020.

Press: NPRNBC, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Quartz, Medium, YahooSports

“Obfuscating Ownership” (with S. Gehlbach, A. Shirikov, and S. Shpak), working paper, 2019.

Is Privatization Working in Ukraine?  New Estimates using Comprehensive Manufacturing Firm Data, 1989-2013” (with D. Brown, S. Shpak, and V. Vakhitov).  Comparative Economic Studies, vol. 61(1), 1-35, 2019.

“Start-Ups, Job Creation, and Founder Characteristics” (with D. Brown, M.J. Kim, and K.M. Lee). Industrial and Corporate Change, 1-36, July 2019.

“The Impact of Privatization on Employment and Earnings: An Update” (with S. Shpak).  IZA World of Labor, 2019.

High-Growth Entrepreneurship” (with D. Brown, M.J. Kim, and K.M. Lee), working paper, 2017.

Does Higher Productivity Dispersion Imply Greater Misallocation? A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis” (with D. Brown and E. Dinlersoz). Working paper.

Finance and Growth at the Firm-Level:  Evidence from SBA Loans” (with D. Brown).  Journal of Finance, Vol. 72, 1039–1080, 2017.

Foreign Ownership and Wages:  Evidence from Firm-Level and Linked Employer-Employee Data in Hungary, 1986-2008” (with A. Telegdy and G. Antal).  Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2017.

Job Creation, Small versus Large versus Young, and the SBA” (with D. Brown and Y. Morgulis).  NBER Working Paper 21733.  Published in Measuring Entrepreneurial Businesses: Current Knowledge and Challenges. (edited by J. Haltiwanger, E. Hurst, J. Miranda, and A. Schoar), NBER and University of Chicago Press, 2017.

Where does Privatization Work? Understanding the Heterogeneity in Estimated Firm Performance Effects” (with D. Brown and Á. Telegdy).  Journal of Corporate Finance, 2016.

The Productivity Consequences of Political Turnover: Firm-Level Evidence from Ukraine’s Orange Revolution ” (with S. Gehlbach).  American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 59(3), 708-723, 2015.

“The Impact of Privatization on Employment and Earnings.”  IZA World of Labor, 2014.

Do SBA Loans Create Jobs? Estimates from Universal Panel Data and Longitudinal Matching Methods” (with D. Brown). Working paper, first version 2012, revised 2013.

“Privatization” (with D. Brown and S. Gehlbach).  In the Oxford Handbook of the Russian Economy (M. Alexeev and S. Weber, eds.), Oxford University Press, 2013.

“Industrial Decline and Labor Reallocation in Romania.”  IZA Journal of Labor and Development, Vol. 1(1), 2012.

“Innovation, Adoption, Ownership, and Productivity: Evidence from Ukraine” (with D. Brown, H. Vakhitova and V.Zheka).  In In the Grip of Transition: Economic and Social Consequences of Restructuring in Russia and Ukraine (T. Brueck and H. Lehmann, eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Nature Versus Nurture in the Origins of Highly Productive Businesses: An Exploratory Analysis of U.S. Manufacturing Establishments” (with D. Brown), working paper, 2011.

Did Post-Communist Privatization Increase Mortality?” (with S. Gehlbach).  Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 53(2), 239-260, June 2011. Winner of the Bergson Prize for the “Best Paper in Comparative Economic Studies during 2011-12.”

Entry, Growth, and the Business Environment: A Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data from the U.S. and Transition Economies” (with D. Brown), working paper, 2011 (first version).

Employment and Wage Effects of Privatization:  Evidence from Hungary, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine” (with D. Brown and A. Telegdy).  Economic Journal, Vol. 120(545), 683-708, June 2010.

“The Normalization of Deviant Organizational Practices: Wage Arrears in Russia, 1992-1999” (with A. Spicer and K.S. Peter).  Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 53(2), April 2010.

“Did Postcommunist Privatization Raise Mortality?” (with S. Gehlbach).  Summary in The Lancet, Vol. 375(9712), 372, January 2010.

Complementarity and Custom in Wage Contract Violation” (with K.S. Peter).  Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. XCI(4), 832-849, November 2009.

Helping Hand or Grabbing Hand?  State Bureaucracy and Privatization Effectiveness” (with D. Brown and S. Gehlbach).  American Political Science Review, Vol. 103(2), 264-283, May 2009.

“Ownership and Wages:  Estimating Public-Private and Foreign-Domestic Differentials with LEED from Hungary, 1986-2003” (with A. Telegdy). NBER Working Paper No. 12997 published in Analysis of Firms and Employees – Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (F. Andersson, S. Bender, J. Lane, K. Shaw, and T. von Wachter, eds.), NBER and University of Chicago, 2008.

“Creating Productive Jobs in East European Transition Economies:  A Synthesis of Firm-Level Studies” (with D. Brown).  National Institute Economic Review, Vol. 204(1), 108-125, April 2008.

“Developing Graduate Economics Education from Scratch: The Case of the CEU.” In Scaling Up the Success of Capacity Building in Economic Education and Research (B. Pleskovic, ed.). World Bank, 2007.

“Nonstandard Forms and Measures of Employment and Unemployment in Transition:  A Comparative Study of Estonia, Romania, and Russia” (with D. Brown et al.). Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 48(3), 435-457, September 2006.  Russian version: “Nestandartnaya Zanyatost’ i Nestandartnaya Bezrabotitsa v Perekhodnykh Ekonomikakh Raznogo Tipa.” In Nestandartnaya Zanyatost’ v Rossiiskoi Ekonomike (V. Gimpelson and R. Kapeliushnikov, eds.) Moskva: Vyshshaya Shkola Ekonomiki, 281-340, 2006.

“Information Technology, Organizational Form, and Transition to the Market” (with U. Pagano and M. Lesi).  Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 60(4), 471-489, August 2006.

“Wages, Layoffs, and Privatization: Evidence from Ukraine” (with D. Brown and V. Vakhitov), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 34(2), 272-294, June 2006.

“Job Reallocation and Productivity Growth in the Ukrainian Transition” (with D. Brown), Comparative Economic Studies, Vol. 48(2), 229-251, June 2006.  Working paper preprinted (in English and Ukrainian) in Labour Market Reforms and Economic Growth in Ukraine (L. Handrich, I. Burakovsky, and O. Betliy, eds.), Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2006.

“The Productivity Effects of Privatization: Longitudinal Estimates from Hungary, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine” (with D. Brown and Á. Telegdy), Journal of Political Economy, Vol.114(1), 61-99, February 2006.

“What Makes Small Firms Grow? Finance, Human Capital, Technical Assistance, and the Business Environment in Romania” (with D. Brown and D. Lup), Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 54(1), 33-70, October 2005.

“The Wage Effects of Schooling under Socialism and in Transition:  Evidence from Romania, 1950-2000” (with D. Andren and D. Sapatoru), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 33(2), 300-323, June 2005.

“Does Privatization Raise Productivity?  Russia, Ukraine, Hungary, and Romania Compared” (with D. Brown and A. Telegdy), (in Russian) in Competitiveness and Economic Modernization in Russia, (Y. Yasin, ed.), Higher School of Economics: Moscow, 2005.

“Ownership Concentration and Corporate Performance on the Budapest Stock Exchange:  Do Too Many Cooks Spoil the Goulash?” (with C. Kucsera and Á. Telegdy), Corporate Governance:  An International Review, Vol. 13(2), 254-264, March 2005.

“The Reallocation of Workers and Jobs in Russian Industry:  New Evidence on Measures and Determinants” (with D. Brown), Economics of Transition, Vol. 11(2), 221-252, June 2003.

“A Spoonful of Sugar: Privatization and Popular Support for Reform in the Czech Republic” (with S. Gehlbach), Economics and Politics, Vol. 15(1), 1-32, March 2003.

“Privatization, Competition, and Budget Constraints: Disciplining Enterprises in Russia” (with S. Estrin), Economics of Planning, Vol. 36(1), 1-22, 2003.

“Privatization Methods and Productivity Effects in Romanian Industrial Enterprises” (with A. Telegdy), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 30(4), 657-682, December 2002.

“How Late to Pay?  Understanding Wage Arrears in Russia” (with K. Sabirianova), Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 20(3), 661-707, July 2002.

“Corporate Control: A Study of Firms on the Bucharest Stock Exchange” (with A. Telegdy, C. Kucsera, V. Kaznovsky), East European Economics, Vol. 40(3), 6-27, May/June 2002.

“Gross Job Flows in Russian Industry Before and After Reforms: Has Destruction Become More Creative?” (with D. Brown), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 30(1), 96-133, March 2002.

“Microeconometric Studies of Russian Labor Markets: An Introduction to the Symposium” (with H. Lehmann), Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 30(1), 91-95, March 2002.

“Worker Training in a Restructuring Economy: Evidence from the Russian Transition” (with M. Berger and K. Sabirianova), Research in Labor Economics (S. Polachek, ed.), Vol. 20, 159-90, 2001.

“Measuring Defense Conversion in Russian Industry” (with I. Komarov), Defence and Peace Economics, Vol. 12(2), 103-44, March/April 2001.

“Privatization and the Structure of Enterprise Ownership” (with S. Estrin), in Russia’s Post-Communist Economy (B. Granville and P. Oppenheimer, eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

“Corporate Governance and Restructuring: The Limits of Our Knowledge (Comments on the Paper by G. Roland)” in Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2000 (B. Pleskovic and N. Stern, eds.), World Bank, 2001.

“Business Start-ups or Disguised Unemployment?  Evidence on the Nature of Self-Employment from Transition Economies” (with Z. Sakova), Labour Economics, Vol. 7(5), 575-601, September 2000.

For a complete list of publications, see CV, and for other working papers see SSRN author page.